NBC News (NBC)

NBC(National Broadcasting Company) News, owned by Comcast, provides news on different platforms and is based in New York.

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Employee Satisfaction



NBC News’ Human Resources department rates an A+ in comparison to companies at similar size, and top 20% in Los Angeles.


NBC News provides perks and benefits that 67% rate as very good, and only 9% of them rated it as unsatisfactory. Benefits include support for family and parenting. Generally the benefits were satisfactory and called the benefits very useful and supportive, with a very high rating on websites.


NBC News has a work environment that is satisfied by more than 74% of workers, and the work culture is rated top 30% compared to similar sized companies. However, reviews and interviews have stated that they have no balance in their work, and management is just okay. The reviews are very balanced with satisfactory comments and unsatisfactory.


NBC News has an average salary of $77,786, which is above the average salary for similar sized companies. It also has a 72% salary satisfaction percentile, which is high considering it being just above average of similar sized companies.


NBC has committed over $500 million to support their employees, and in addition to supporting their employees, they also try to help their customers as much as possible.




NBC News does not have a public written policy on avoiding conflicts of interest.


NBC News does not have a public written policy that they don’t receive gifts.


NBC News does not have a public written policy on not paying for information.


NBC News does clearly label sponsored content.


NBC News sometimes uses their own photos, but also uses photos from other associations, in which they give credit to.

Objectivity & Fact Checking



News and Opinion are not clearly indicated on the website, and only occasionally does the title state that the following article is an opinionated one or not. Also doesn’t have a public statement or ethics code relating to how they prevent putting opinions in news reports.


NBC News does not have a public statement stating that it does not use incorrect information.


NBC News does not have a separate section for corrections, and they don’t even have any articles for specific corrections that were made.


NBC News keeps their articles to the facts. Authors do not inject their opinions into stories to bait certain emotions or opinions.


It is difficult to find articles on NBC News that contain unpopular opinions to make the stories interesting. They seem to have some articles but it is hard to consider them truly unpopular opinions.

Quality of Sources



There is no public statement on the use of anonymous sources, but it seems like there aren’t many of them.


Studies are often provided with links that go to external websites, and the links work flawlessly, and they link to other websites which gives full credit. Rarely do the studies circle among only NBC articles.


Quotes are provided unaltered, with proper attribution, sometimes linked with other websites to provide the original site.


Almost all of the breaking news and general articles provide a video or photo at the top to introduce the article, and there are videos and images throughout the article as well, with credits.

User Experience



NBC News is free, therefore very affordable.


There doesn’t seem to be an NBC newspaper in actual paper, but the layout on the articles and webpage is neat.


NBC News has a similar readability level to other highly ranked news companies for general audience readability like CBS and ABC, allowing a wide range of readers to utilize NBC News as a resource.


There are videos and visuals on every article, and they are all very relevant to the article. Since each article provides more than 1 visuals, it makes it helpful for readers that like to read and look at visuals together.


NBC News barely has any ads, and if they do, it’s either at the top or bottom of each article, so it rarely interrupts the reader. However, occasionally, there are ads that follow the reader all the way to the bottom of the article, which can be very disturbing.


NBC News website is designed such that each section is easily accessible for the average user. On the main page, as the user scrolls down there are headings indicating the different topics and even though NBC is used for other purposes like TV livestream and shows, it’s easy for users to access the news articles.